Finally tried the egg scramble in the microwave. It was ok. I'm not gonna say it was great, but if you need some good protein, and short on time, I'm gonna say it was a 6.
Wanna keep a 2 year old occupied for about 30 min? Let her play with daddy's belt.
Heres some funny pictures I took this week. Home made double stroller.
Brink is a BINK-A-HOLIC!! Two in one hand, and one headed for the mouth.
I seriously was laughing my butt off while taking these, but had to be sneaky so she didnt hear me and move.
Bahahahaha!!!! this still makes me laugh!!!
When i get to do this, it brings me so much satisfaction. Probably the same satisfaction that my mom got when we got boo boos. i mean, not that she was happy we were hurt, but since she is a nurse, she probably enjoyed bandaging us up. And thinking that thought, just made my heart smile. aww....i love you mom!
I had a baby shower to go to yesterday. wasnt this such a great spot to have one? I think so.....
We attended a dear friend's wedding. It was simple, and sweet. I liked these shots.
Connors like" Hey man! this is my shot! outta my picture."
I'm so grateful for everyone that supported the great cause to raise awareness for down syndrome! We Sold 85 shirts for Barrett's team! And raised about $900 total with the fundraising website. THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!!! This is something that is so dear to my heart. It means so much for your support. I need it much more than you probably could imagine.
I'm "Going incognito" this week from Essie brand.
I left home today, for the next 3 days. I think. It depends. This week, I came up to where my dad lived. Visiting my grandmother. who has a computer and internet. that means this is waaaaay easier tonight to blog this late, and my usual. I'm so glad to be here. I know that something good will come out of me being here this week.I need it. I will update you more on this tomorrow. Yes. 2 posts in 2 days. I know. your stoked. Until then I suppose.
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