Thursday, September 8, 2011

the kiddos*

So.....what do you think we ate tonight?

Set: Film,Filter: Grainy,Vignette: Small Black,Frame: Grunge Black,Snapbucket">

That's right. Fake .meat. spaghetti. Gave her fake chicken nuggets last night too. I was worried Brinklee would have known that the nuggets were fake. John didn't know they were, so I wasn't too concerned. I figure, if I quit feeding her meat now, she won't remember ever eating it. It's now or never. Of course, when she gets older, she can make her own choices about meat.
It's times like these, when I wish something as simple as a bangle could keep brink occupied.

Filter: X-Process,Vignette: Small Black,Snapbucket

Barrett got his first tooth this week~ wish he would let me show you. Shucks.

Filter: X-Process,Frame: Rounded Black,Snapbucket

But no. She has become my gurly girl. When she sees anything that she really likes, she says "pretty girl." She has really started talking a lot in sentences lately. Everyday, she blows my mind with something new. When we get into the car, I put my shades on and she always asks for hers too.

Filter: X-Process,Frame: Grunge White,Snapbucket

BTW, since I've been on pills all week, I think I failed to mention that brink turned 2! Even tho she's driving me crazy right now, there is so much that I see in her that makes me crazy for her! I read other mommy blogs, and they sound like they are so happy. And how they just try to enjoy every moment with their kids, cause soon it will be gone. I TRY to think that way. This just doesn't come very easy to me. I think some women are wired to be "natural born mommies." Man, I fell like I gotta work at it...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

The kids are growing up so fast! : ) You are a great mama!