There are so many times when i wish i could have been video recording things. Like tonight. When mamma and brink went to the store together for some girl time. I decided to get her a yo gabba gabba fufa cuddle pillow. I dont even remember what i was saying, but i had her give fufa a high five.
Brinklee is reeeally into saying hi and bye to...EVERYONE. Later on, as we were leaving walmart, she grabs fufas hand, starts moving it, and says "say bye bye fufa!" oh wow. This may not sound like much, but for some reason, that just melted this mammas heart.
Since barrett has been battling respiratory issues, ive been trying to keep him at home as much as possible. And both me and brink have been going stir crazy. After gettig home from having our girl time, i sat down to spend some quality time with the other B baby. We had some good laughs together. If i knew how to upload the video onto blogger, i would have it right here for you to play. But those of you who facebook stalk, probably saw it already. But instead, I will just post a sweet picture of the man.
It's really amazing how great trying to be your own therapist can be. I mean, really analyzing yourself. Keep yourself in check about certain things in your life. How great, saying sorry can feel. How looking at yourself, and what you have said or how you've treated him, could affect someone else's decision making . Or the way they treat you. Or the way they treat others? Sometimes saying sorry really can feel good. It can bring you closer to that someone. Because your saying that you value that friendship enough, that your willing to work it out. To possibly make it greater. To. Make. It. Work. It can make you fall in love with that person more. (Friend or lover)
I know that one day, in retrospect, I will never regret taking too many pictures. I will never regret recording too many videos. I will never regret apologizing to someone that has such a special place in this girls heart. Do the things that make you feel good inside. Do the things that make you grow as a person. Do the things that help you discover who you are. And don't ever. Ever. Ever. just might end up this happy...
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