Umm....why don't I take baths more often? I feel like Rev Run right now, blogging in the bath like he does. (Only those of you who have seen the series RUN'S HOUSE would know why.) Maybe that should be my weekly ritual. I'm thinking...yes.
I didn't get a whole lot of pictures this week. I think it was that whole "time" thing again. But, I did manage to have the time to use my brand new polish. "Fly"
And also had some time to cherish a few sweet moments with the girl. She stole this from her cousin after we opened Christmas presents last month.
Oh look! She was so excited to find one of her buddies on the towel!
And she was NOT going to be sharing with mamma...
Man! The weather has been CaaaRaaazy for January. But...has brought some gorgeous skys along with it...
This was me attempting to capture This sky...... my new mirrored shades. I thought it turned out pretty neat.
We had some family come into town this past weekend. The In laws took us all out for a lovely lunch. Barretts hair was static-y and his belly... starving .
I was also able to have some much needed time with my grandma down in Little rock. Barretts swallow study went well! His muscle tone in his throat is getting stronger! Thank the Lord! Not a great picture, but My favorite view of coming home when I get over that hill...
Ya know, even though today was pretty rough, I made myself go to an aerobics class tonight with my neighbor. I always feel better after I exercise, and tonight was one of those "man, I really needed that!" I enjoy music, especially music that I can spend some time with God listening to it. This class is held in a church, and I couldn't believe that at the end of it all, I was holding back tears, just because it was one of those moments, that I realized how much God really cares for me. That he knew exactly what I needed from the class. Silly it sounds, I know. But its in such simple things like a song, and a class that I almost missed because I wanted to I've up for the day, that God can reveal his active presence in my life. That he would do something So small, as to put the right worship song on to stretch to, or bring you an unexpected new friend, that THAT could make everything better. That he would care that much for me? Now to me, (a nobody compared to him) that seems silly. But not to him. A father would do anything to make his child feel better...
I blogged about organization tonight, too! : ) Was the church Trinity by any chance, in Fayetteville? I'm friends with tons of people who workout there. Just curious! : )
yes, at trinity! I really enjoy it!
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