After leaving the Dr, we had to make a quick stop to target. Guess what for? You guessed right. Diapers.
On My way back home I was dreading 5 o'clock southbound 540 traffic, thinking it was gonna take me longer than usual to get home. In all reality, it still would have only taken me about 20 min max, (assuming no accidents. Or traffic coming to a halt because someone got pulled over on The OTHER side of the road.) I decided to take a back road, that at first, didn't seem so "back road" to me. I had never taken it before, but I was heading in the right direction. So I kept going. All I Know, is that I wound up on some road waaaay out In the middle of nowhere . Found us some chicken houses of course. Saw a walker. Saw a biker. Eventually came to more civilization where I found this cute little church.
the more I drove, the further lost I felt. I thought about turning around several times. The drive was so beautiful. The more I got lost, the more I started falling in love with the area. Once I realized where I was, I knew why I thought it was amazing. 2 words. Cave. Springs. I stumbled upon this cute little area out in the middle of nowhere that only had 3 homes in it . I had to share a couple pics , because I thought these homes were So pretty. They look so perfect.
I'm sure that someone caught me taking these pictures and thought I was a creeper or something.
Here was one of the cows brink mooed at today on our "shortcut"
I finally figured out where we were, and was so relieved to see this sign
At some point, I realized when we were driving through town, brink had a little lunch buddy with her on her carseat. I Know it sounds weird, since grasshoppers are completely harmless. And don't even make creepy noises. But they freak me out!!! I was nervous when I couldn't find it when we got to our destination.
All In all. Instead of The 20 minutes I was dreading on The way home, it took 40. But it wound up actually being ok. Timing IS everything. Maybe I was supposed to get lost. Supposed to share this time with my kids. Even tho my timing was all thrown off, this time it was enjoyable.
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