So here it is.
Just so you ladies know. It's fall. And this is my great idea for those days when you have no time to fix your hair, or those new fall bangs you just cut...
Pajamas day today. Barretts first time in a cart seat. He looked like such a big boy.
He also got up on his knees several times in therapy today. All by himself. I'm such a proud mamma. I can't even tell you
Nail polish of the week. "Off with her red" It's a great fall red. Kinda burnt orangey red. One of my favs
I regret to inform you, that this polish is being discontinued. It was from the Alice in wonderland collection. But you might actually get lucky and find it on sale like I did since its your last chance to buy it. I already had a bottle, but felt obligated to purchase another. What can I say. I'm a sucker for a sale. AND I CAN NEVER GET IT
ever since I was in highschool, I have drank diet...everything. I no longer like the taste of regular soda. Since the book "skinny b@#ch" I have not used artificial sweetener except the natural stuff....Stevia. man! It's been sooo hard not to just grab a diet coke from work since there is a whole fridge full.But so excited to find out that they now make a soda with Stevia!!! Can't wait to go get some
More interesting finds in this months shape magazine
I friend donna....thought of a great new, and probably cheaper use of shower color processing caps. You can find them at sallys. Not sure if it would be less expensive than the glad ones, but I would think so. I couldn't find the price online to tell you for sure, but its a Good idea for leftovers without lids
Now...only if she actually left them in :(
Went on a camping trip this weekend with my friend Whitney. I was determined to take a couple of fall pics for my blog, but this was about as fallish as I could get...of the good ones we had so much fun
Who said eating healthy had to be boring, and not taste good?
This is a half serving of everything(plenty). Vanilla Greek yogurt. Granola. And actually a quarter of a serving of raspberries. 13.5g protein. No fat. Only 215 calories. Buy a scale. A cheap one. It helps with controlling your portion size
A few fav pics of the past week.....or so
He was trying to eat my hat.
Well, that's all folks. Until next time. *Maddi
P.s. I really do strive to be a woman of my word, and felt bad that I didn't get to post this yesterday :/
Zevia Cola is good. And the great thing about it is that you don't really feel like you have to drink the whole thing...I know that sounds kind of strange...but I used to (and still occasionally) drink coke and it was like I couldn't get enough of the stuff. Every. Last. Drop. With Zevia, I can drink about half of it and then I'm good. A little wasteful, but good.
Maddi - I love keeping up with your blog!! it's awesome! I want to comment on everything you post... like your blog is my own personal facebook stalking page to post my thoughts about your pictures and ideas! haha!!
Love you darlin! You have been such a huge blessing in my life and I can't thank God enough for you, John and those babies!!
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