Monday, November 28, 2011

its a thankful manic Monday~

I am sooo thankful for my family. Of course my whole family, and even ""second families. But travel thankful for my little family Of my own that I have been blessed with. It's been chilly this weekend, and this little guys melts my heart...

And this little missy. Man, the is something else. Shes cool. I guess. For a 2 year old. :)

Random fact of the week:
I can always tell if brink is going to eat or not, based on her praying patterns. She either prays for her food and will eat or refuses to pray and it sits there. Typically, I can try something one day, and it sits. But man, if I put some salsa on it, I have a 50/50 chance of her eating it the next day. At least the girl likes veggies!
Polish of the week: little brown dress, by essie. Yes, I have my pointer covered because its chipped, and I didn't want you to see...

This is a new recipe I found in self mag this meek. I want to try it. Since I don't fav meat anymore, I get pretty burnt out on veggie burgers, so this looked like john night like it too. Let of know if you decide to try it.

We had 3 traditional thanksgiving dinners this week. Plus one large, non-traditional one. The salmon was awesome mom!
And this is what the McCash family house looks like when I arrive for dinner.

Look closely. This family is big. There are least 3-5 other cars at the very end circle drive that you can't even see. Yeah. This is foreign to me. But after 6 1/2 years of being a part of this family, I guess ,I'm kinda ,maybe getting used to it? Brink is too. Shes awesome. I used to do this as a kid too...

Well, we did it. We put up the Christmas stuff. I dread it every year. But even through I went ahead and forced myself to do it(when we were thinking about not even putting anything up,) I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even tho my Christmas tree s.u.c.k.s. It sucks so bad. Once its put up, its beautiful. Supposed to look like a Douglas fir. Tall and skinny. Somewhat full. It's a decent looking fake tree. But its one of the trees where each branch is separated. And each row of branches is (supposed to be) color coded to make this process much simpler. Well, about a third of the branches are either coded wrong, or no colored sticker on them whatsoever. So after fluffing each individual branch, and separating (kind of) each colored row, the tree is put together. Only to find out that when its up, hmmm....THAT doesn't look right. Then we wind up just having to wing it depending on how the tree is leaning. We get out the lights to string, and neither one works. But It's ok, because I wanted to change our lights to colored ones anyway. So off we go. To Walmart. We pack the kiddos up, at 7pm, which Barrett was already fussy. Dangit.
We shop for about an hour, and head home. Guess what we can't find? The lights. We left them. At the store. So I left john and the kids at home, and headed on back over to Walmart. When I got home, john was still rocking Barrett. I went ahead and started to put up the lights. Only to realize that by the time I got finished, the plug for the wall was at the top of the tree. I was thrilled. I wanted to just say "screw it," and leave it for the next day. But I just wanted so badly to see brinks face in the morning. So I rehung the lights. John was laughing at me.

Vignette: Large Black,Snapbucket

Almost every single day I want to give up. I want to just completely stop what I'm doing, because I don't feel I could possibly make anything better. Only worse. It's not worth it. This week alone, the first thing I would have missed out on, would be a wonderful sermon at church, that I was meant to hear. It's hard sometimes not to confuse your happiness with joy. Second thing, I would have given up is my family. What? Umm yeah. How stupid right? Third thing, a wonderful thanksgiving dinner with my second family. And the joy I experienced of getting in the holiday spirit. Every single one of those things are irreplaceable. I'm so glad that I never gave up on any of these things this week. Cause its been a pretty good one. Hope yours was too. This week, I can't even name the things I'm thankful for. God was blessed me. Abundantly. I hope you feel the same~ Maddi

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Your tree looks great! Did Brink love it? : ) I am getting ours up tomorrow.. traveling home 17 hours has put me behind!