Tuesday, December 6, 2011

well, it was supposed to be a Monday post... whoopsie

I'm sitting here in the e.r., waiting for my mom to get called back. Don't worry, nothing major happened. But you could pray for her to feel better. Anyway, I'm sitting here looking around, and really thinking how great God has been to me. I'm so thankful that I am well. That I can walk, without pain. That God have me muscles that work properly. That my source of mobility, isn't a wheelchair or a cane. I'm so amazed at what the body is capable of. God gave me all my lady parts, so that I could make this little guy....
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I honestly couldn't pick favorites out of this group, so I post them all. Now, you know why, when you see things like this :)
And of course, this pretty little lady....
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My little brink is growing up. For a week now, we have REALLY been working on potty training. Brink has done really well. Yesterday, was our first public outing wearing big girl panties. She did really well. Only had 2 accidents all day, and they were both at home. So far, none today, but I'm not at home right now. Hoping today will be the big day! Brink also, out of the middle of nowhere, started singing twinkle twinkle. She sings that stinkin barney song too. I have to admit, no matter how much I am sick of that song, shes pretty cute when she sings.

I saw Barrett waving for the first time this week :) he was waving at his own cheek, but nevertheless, he was mimicing someone doing it. What a big boy. This was sooo exciting, but I woke up one mornings this week to Barrett sitting up in his crib. I have never seen him get into a sitting position by himself. I know its not a great pic, but its all I got.
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Look what I woke up to this morning! Our first snow of the season.
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But, oddly enough, I still have a few pretty leaves on my tree in my front yard.
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Saw this at the Wic office today. I could hardly wait to share it with you. But I wanted to share it on here first, before on fb.
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My mom and brother  were  sweet enough to watch the kids for us for a night. John did his boy thing, and me? I did the flapper thing.
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Me and my bestie attended a '30s themed show. Live band. I'll was Rockin. I love this pretty lady.
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I'm so thankful that God gave me such great friends, and family.
These are my week favs. My sleepy babes.
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Waiting on baby marI to get here. Can't wait.
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I hope that you can capture some favs of your own this week. Lifes too short. Live it. Love it. Lose yourself, for someone else. <3 Maddi

1 comment:

Shawn Sonnier said...

The pictures are awesome!