Merry Christmas everyone! I kinda wanted to talk about the real story of Christmas this post. This year, is the first year that I have actually THOUGHT, truely about the story. The first thing that started to make me think about it, was THIS.
Then, I really got to thinking. This is just my interpretation of this story, not the actual one. Obviously. Thinking about if I was Mary. She was probably about 15 (I think, I'm probably wrong) when an angel appeared to her. First of all, I would be FREAKED OUT! Some dude, who knows my name, that I have never seen before, appears out of nowhere, and starts telling me some nonsense. That even though I have never had sex, I'm gonna be pregnant. Holy. Moley. And what the heck is my man gonna think when I tell him this one? he'll probably think I'm cheating. And in a small town, the hens will start clucking. Great, now I'm gonna be the "skank" of the town, and everyone will think I'm crazy when I try to tell them the truth. So....she goes to tell her man, and what does he think? What will he be saying to his friends? Yeah man, she told me shes pregnant, and that some spirit caused it. Yeah right. I can't believe she obviously cheated, and is lying about it. There's no way I'm marrying her! But Joseph had a dream. A vivid one. And am angel told him, to go ahead and marry Mary, because they will be having Gods son. Wow. I probably would have still been questioning it at this point. There aren't a whole lotta dreams that I can trust are true that I've ever had. But he did, and made her his wife. I'm sure Joseph lost a few friends outta that one. Ok, now the whole let's pack up my very pregnant wife, and travel for a few days to go pay our taxes. First off, all you ladies out there that have been very pregnant, would you want to travel on foot/ sitting on a donkey for a few days? Ha. Yeah, me either. So at some point when they get there, they try to find a place to stay, but all the hotels are booked. Lots of people coming into town that weekend, cause everybody's gotta pay some taxes. The only place they could find to stay, was in some dudes "barn" I guess. Eww. Some animals being in there. Having to find a clean place to lay down. Oh man, the baby's coming! Omg. Umm...this place is pretty dirty. Not one of the most sanitary places to be birthing a child.'s A new baby! And all of a sudden, there's all these random dudes showing up, that want to meet my new baby. And some are kings! Bringing some money, and some EXPENSIVE perfume. Wow. This baby MUST be special. Now that I'm an adult. And a mom, this story really amazes me. The Christmas story to me, has always just been a story. This year, its so much more than that. This is how my best friend was born! That's insane! I hope that every one of you reading this, will think about it a little differently now, if you hadn't already. Jesus IS the reason for the season, and sometimes its so hard to get caught up with "the holidays." I wish each and every one of you, a very Merry CHRISTmas, and a happy new year!
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