My mom came over this morning, and was like "Maddi! DId you do your blog last night?"
This past week has gone so quickly. I can't even believe it. With the holiday season approaching, it really has me thinking about my family.
I was able to take a small road trip last week with my mom to little rock. I was thrilled because I was able to meet my cousins baby for the first time. He's so precious. He has wild man hair like Barrett did when he was born.
Going to children's and meeting him has me taking a walk down memory lane. It has really brought up a lot of feelings from when Barrett was born. Barrett was only in the hospital for 2 1/2 weeks. I say ONLY, because its been over a month now for this sweet baby boy. The entire time I was able to see him, I was holding back tears. How could I have been so selfish? You never realize it at the time, but looking back, I had certain expectations for how things would go. I know, that deep down, I know what she is going through. But really, I probably have no clue compared to her. Its lonely. Draining. Your feel like sometimes he takes 2 steps forward, then 3 back. It's awful. I thought I had it so bad. How wrong I was. Just To know that she just wants to hold him, and can't. Has never even held him once. To bond with this very special baby. If it was this upsetting to me, his 2nd cousin, I can't even imagine what she is going through as his mother. My heart broke that day. As a mom. As her cousin. And I love her. So PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers. She is hoping that tomorrow is the day that she gets to hold him for the first time, but is unsure if it will happen. Please pray for a miracle for this baby. Miracles have already happened. Please pray for total healing for this little guy, and comfort for his mother. Pray for bonding between them. I touched base on my experience of bonding with Barrett in HIS BIRTH STORY. Please click on it and read it if you haven't. Our local down syndrome support group, had their annual Christmas party this weekend. It was great to see everyone. We hadn't, since the buddy walk at the end of October. It's so hard to leave once you get around your new friends. We all wish we could eachother more often. This is Barretts girlfriend lily.
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