And, then you realize, that you just spent all of your budgeted money on things you may have not needed quite yet, but indeed use. Cause you know, when you run out, they will not be on sale. And you will not have any coupons to save any money on. So, you get home from your 3 hour couponing trip, and make a wonderfully healthy meal, with the groceries that you didn't, get. Mac n cheese. Wow. I will be spending my morning at the gym.
Today, was the first day in MONTHS that I was able to go to therapy with Barrett. I missed it so much. I no longer have a sitter for Brinklee on therapy day, and john was off work today!!! This made me one happy mamma!!
My girl brink is finally keeping her hair styled the way I put it. And when I accidentally hit it, she says "oh no!!! My hair!!!" I love it. I was made to fix my family's hair.
I attended my first ever ugly sweater party this week. I have never been invited to one. John had been wanting to have a poker night, and I wanted an ugly sweater party, so I just made all the dudes he invited over for poker year ugly sweaters with me. And us wives sat on the couch, watching every single episode of "new girl." Which is hysterical, by the way. You should watch it too.... And I just have to tell you, that my mom stopped by, and let me know that my vest was not ugly, that she, indeed.... liked it.
New years eve, came with 64 degree weather...
And some rockin nails. Ski teal we drop, and brushed on some nail glitter with a small paint brush. Finished with a top coat.
Fav pics of the kids this week. Brinkers' ponytails. And Barrett trying to escape.
Barrett is becoming a toddler! I have noticed the last few days, that he is starting to get himself into a little bit of trouble. He has gotten into the garbage, and ate a little bit of food outta there. Thank God he didn't get sick. And has also gotten into the diaper caddy we have. When brink was in this phase, she was half of Barrett age. And it was quite annoying. I didn't have any other kids, so I was still kinda used to my house being tidy most of the time. Now that Barrett actually CAN get into things, I smile. Because, he now rolls all over the floor, gets every where in his walker. And has enough strength to START getting into things. I look at it completely different this time. I let him play with the pile of diapers he managed to dump out of the box. And yes, I know eventually, it will be even worse. And I will start having to say "no no Barrett!" And yes, I will get sick of having DOUBLE the mess to clean up through out the day. But as of right now, I am taking these moments in. Taking in the moments, that my ocd doesn't drive me crazy about it, and I can actually smile, and leave it alone for a little while. Let the floor get even messier. And it NOT bother me. Cause this little guy, is worth every single one of those moments~
I love it! And I can see how you should enjoy those moments that he is tearing things up! That sweet little face... he's learning and enjoying everything, and it's so amazing that you are there to enjoy it with him! love you guys!! Kiss my sweet babies from Auntie Lou!
We need to hook up to talk about how you coupon, I really need to figure out how to start. And if you need someone to watch Brink I am home every day, since I can't find a job, so just let me know.
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