So. I have been trying to think of a name for a specific day to commit myself to blogging to. Not because I don't enjoy it. Because I do. This is my new found love. I'm kinda thinking it might save my insanity of being a stay at home mom. I don't want to wind up like the mom I met at the library that wouldnt let me quit talking to her, Because in her words "I don't get out too often." My sarcastic side was thinking "no way! I totally can't tell."
This is not the ONLY day I will be blogging, I just wanted it to be a commitment that I made for myself, and my readers because I get busy. And tired. I mean, I do all of 3this off my phone, and its 12:33 am. which I really don't even know how many people actually read it. I have only 6 subscribers, but the people that I least expect read it, and the ones I think should be, aren't. But, they also see me more often.
I've been trying to think of a clever name for my day to blog. Here it is. Manic Monday. Like the song. Man I loved the bangles. I think I was 4 when we listened to them.
Ok, this day will be set aside for fun /useful/interesting stuff I "stumbled upon", but also random pictures throughout the week that I loved. I looked up what manic meant, because I wanted the name to make sense too. I decided to use the first definition for it.
man·ic Adjective /ˈmanik/ 1. Showing wild and apparently deranged excitement and energy:
The things I write about might be wild, and I definitely can have some deranged excitement going on. For those of you who reeally know me, I'm easily amused and excited. This day will be my day that the blog about it, and will probably not flow as well. Maybe kinda random. But thats me. I need one of these days. A day to Not feel like it has to be perfect, or that my photos have to be edited. (I say that
And For the primere...
has anyone reading this shared the same frustration of having babies and/or toddlers , also with micro suede "stain free" (yeah right ) furniture? I CANNOT WAIT to get new furniture one day. Im thinking brown leather. The wipe off kind.
this is something that I found in my womens health magazine last week that I was trying to take a great pic of, to share with yall. This was my attempt.

Thinking you could zoom in and read It. Then I had a better idea. Found it on the website. There is 5 pages with steps, for The whole article. I get a lot of compliments on My eyebrows, and wanted to share this with you. (I'm assuming most of you reading this are ladies)
there is this great new website that I discovered through one of the blogs I read. it's amazing. Really just a site to look at when you're just browsing the internet. I love it. Sometimes I just can't stop hitting the "keep stumbling" icon.
you never know if the next thing you see might possibly be the most amazing thing you will ever see.
This was something I stumbled upon. It's sooo neat. I would love to go see it. Anything artsy I can appreciate, and man this is cool..
Neat recipe I found in shape. Or maybe womens health. I don't know which one. Sounded easy, and I have yet to try it. Maybe in the morning. Let me know if you do, and what you thought of it.
Charlotte ruse is doing something cool. $5 dollars for spending, one per day text JoJo to 78953 . You can do it every day until Oct 5th. That means potentially an almost free piece of jewelry every day,Or, a pair of clearance shoes for $2.
Yep. That's right. 6.99 each, so got both for about 10 bucks. And yes, I'm one of those people that will buy one of each color if I find a good one. And since its a good deal, I'm willing to wait to be able to wear them until spring. (had to explain that one to john.) Just thought these were cute picr
This was listed under best products right now. Wanted to share cause This is the product we sell at the spa I work at, and aveda rocks my socks off. Try it.
Thought this was interesting. I knew that inflammation in your gums from not flossing can cause heart problems, but didn't know This about working out...
And last, but not least. Rest in peace. You were one of my favs. Until john sat on you :'(
Please let me know your thoughts on this new commitment of mine, and if you like the idea. I love hearing from you. ~<3 Maddi
This is not the ONLY day I will be blogging, I just wanted it to be a commitment that I made for myself, and my readers because I get busy. And tired. I mean, I do all of 3this off my phone, and its 12:33 am. which I really don't even know how many people actually read it. I have only 6 subscribers, but the people that I least expect read it, and the ones I think should be, aren't. But, they also see me more often.
I've been trying to think of a clever name for my day to blog. Here it is. Manic Monday. Like the song. Man I loved the bangles. I think I was 4 when we listened to them.
Ok, this day will be set aside for fun /useful/interesting stuff I "stumbled upon", but also random pictures throughout the week that I loved. I looked up what manic meant, because I wanted the name to make sense too. I decided to use the first definition for it.
man·ic Adjective /ˈmanik/ 1. Showing wild and apparently deranged excitement and energy:
The things I write about might be wild, and I definitely can have some deranged excitement going on. For those of you who reeally know me, I'm easily amused and excited. This day will be my day that the blog about it, and will probably not flow as well. Maybe kinda random. But thats me. I need one of these days. A day to Not feel like it has to be perfect, or that my photos have to be edited. (I say that
And For the primere...
has anyone reading this shared the same frustration of having babies and/or toddlers , also with micro suede "stain free" (yeah right ) furniture? I CANNOT WAIT to get new furniture one day. Im thinking brown leather. The wipe off kind.
this is something that I found in my womens health magazine last week that I was trying to take a great pic of, to share with yall. This was my attempt.
Thinking you could zoom in and read It. Then I had a better idea. Found it on the website. There is 5 pages with steps, for The whole article. I get a lot of compliments on My eyebrows, and wanted to share this with you. (I'm assuming most of you reading this are ladies)
there is this great new website that I discovered through one of the blogs I read. it's amazing. Really just a site to look at when you're just browsing the internet. I love it. Sometimes I just can't stop hitting the "keep stumbling" icon.
you never know if the next thing you see might possibly be the most amazing thing you will ever see.
This was something I stumbled upon. It's sooo neat. I would love to go see it. Anything artsy I can appreciate, and man this is cool..
Neat recipe I found in shape. Or maybe womens health. I don't know which one. Sounded easy, and I have yet to try it. Maybe in the morning. Let me know if you do, and what you thought of it.
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