Monday, October 17, 2011

Maddi's manic Monday

ReLearning the world through my kids eyes is the most amazing thing I could experience. Just watching Barrett watching Brinklee. He's just staring at her. Learning from every move she makes. He's so content with her. He loves his sissy. He also looks great with a new hair cut..


Brinklee recently started praying for her food. It's adorable. She says"dear yord. Tanks Fo dis day. And dis food. Amen!" It's amazing. Forever now, I have been telling her to "go ahead" when I tell her we are going to pray over our food, and just one random day, she started doing it. This makes me so happy:)
She was sooo not happy in this picture. If you look closely, you can see my lipstick all over her chin.She knew she was in trouble. Naughty little lady..


Another thing I noticed this week she started saying, when the sun gets in her eyes while we are in the car, she starts swatting at the air saying "stop it sky!".Aww man. I love that part of this age.
I have a friend that is a part of writing this blog that is so encouraging to me.
It really helps me get motivated to change the way I think about myself, and my job as a godly wife and mother....and house cleaner, and thought I would share it with yall, its really great.
Aaand some magazine goodies from this week:
2 neat apps I read about. This one I found on Droid, but its also on Iphones. And free!
"Fooducate" is the name. You can scan barcodes on food at the store, and it will tell you how healthy is is for you, but also give you a list of choices that would be better to purchase. Kinda how I was looking at these two the other day and its such a pain to sit there and compare nutrition facts.


To me, its time consuming. I'm hoping this will save me time, and a few extra calories/pounds:). I just downloaded it tonight, so if any of you use it soon, let me know how you like it.
Second app, I hope I will NEVER have to use this, but wish I would have been able to when I needed it.


Nail color of the week:
EssIe's "glamour purse"


And correction from last weeks polish. It was called "ski teal we drop"...whoopsie.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Try some "defrumping" this week. It really does feel good, even if its just a little bit~Maddi
P.s. I have a pinterest button on here now. You can pin any photos I post on here. you can also now enter your email address underneath the title of my blog, and it will let you know when I post a new one. In case you miss it when I post it on fb. I know. It's brilliant right? :)

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