Monday, March 3, 2014


Isnt that interesting? 
Life is constantly changing. 
Its unpredictable. 
Even when I think I might even have a little figured out,
I'm reminded how small I am.
I've been reading this great little book called 
"God never blinks"

I have decided that I want to meet this lady.
This lady that wrote this book.
I feel as though she wrote it just for me. 
Every single bit of it.
One thing that she said, 
that I had heard before 
If your a writer, then write.
If your a painter, then paint.
You can be whatever you want to be.
So choose something. 
And enjoy it.

I find it funny how certain inspiration comes 
at different times,
in different ways
in different people.
I have a tendency to get inspired to write
to process things.
Or when I'm sad
or mad.
I even picked up my guitar yesterday,
I missed it.

I'm a blogger.
so this is me blogging.
I will no longer allow my emotional ties
from my past,
define whether or not I post anymore. 
All I can think about lately is writing.
And it feels good.
This feels good.

Learning to embrace life's little detours.
Even if they cause me to be late,
or missed something I was hoping to have.
The detour allowed me to see something
I would have never seen before.
A back road that not only is beautiful,
but also caused me to appreciate
the main road.
the end

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