Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I cant believe I'm posting this, and It's before 9:30pm!!!

This post...short and sweet. Just the way I like it.
Let's start this post off with the picture of the week. Just as me and john are about to say goodbye to brink before our date night....we found a little something all over her....and it was brown.

I just had to share that picture. I bet most of you are thinkin "eww!!!"....which was also my first response when I saw her. But I just happened to be able to get this pic before she headed off to the bath. It indeed, was NOT what you...and I was thinking it was. Brinklee managed to sneek into my artsy stuff, and get ahold of my brand new bottle of paint. Paint that coincidentally enough, is the color of poo...

I'm not really sure why I didn't get as many pictures this week as I usually do. But the ones I did get, are keepers.

For some reason, there has been something on my mind lately. I really can't believe how much I take for granted, my little family that I have. I look at other people, and just wonder. I wonder if they long for something like I have. Why wouldn't someone? I mean, it's human nature to want a companion. Someone to just experience everyday life with. Someone that would want to reproduce with you (if that's your thing.) I still sometimes can't even believe that God has blessed me as much as he has. That I have someone that would actually HAVE children with me! That someone could love me enough to stay with me. And not JUST stay with me, but actually WANT to. Wow. This blows my mind Sometimes. And saddens me to think that there are so many people out there that don't get to experience what I get to. There are also so many that DO know the joy of having a family, and get it torn from their hands. I think that would be worse. Knowing how great it can be, and no longer being able to experience. Even though there are so very many frustrating things about being a mother, and a wife....I would never. ever. ever. give up what I have for something different. God has blessed me so incredibly much, and I couldn't imagine living life without Him.
I also can't imagine my life without having someone like Barrett in my life. Everyone needs a Barrett and a Lily in theirs....

Cherish small things a little more this week. You never know if they will be gone tomorrow.

1 comment:

luvlymt said...

This is beautiful !!! Similar to my journal entry today ! Thankful !!!!!!